Hosea 6:3 “Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us…like the spring rains that water the earth.”
My least favorite Sunday is Daylight Savings Sunday. I am honest about that. My family knows this. The church I serve at knows this. Now, you know it. Sleep is rare already, especially with three kids ages six and under. Having an hour ruthlessly torn from my bare-bones sleep bank is cruel and unusual punishment. For the days following this emotion-shattering day, my body always feels betrayed by the clock. Everything I think is true is denied. I am surrounded by faithlessness and falsehood. We live in a world where we want to be surrounded by steadiness and uniformity. We want to know that life will continue without pain and disruption. Unfortunately, Daylight Savings Time comes around every year. But so does cancer. Heart attacks. Sickness. Death. We live in a chaotic world, despite trying to place a veneer over it. We grasp onto foundations that we hope will hold us steady when the earthquakes of chaos roll through our lives. But unfortunately, those foundations do not hold. Nothing in this world will provide safety. Nothing is immune to the core problems that plague us. Everything is fragile. Everything brings pain. I’m sorry. I misspoke. Even on Daylight Savings Sunday, though the clock may lie, the sun still rises. No matter how we manipulate the things of creation, the God who created is still in control. Even though our sin has created a chaotic world, God’s mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-24). And every day, despite the pain and disruption around us, he proves his goodness repeatedly. Paul writes, “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure” (Hebrews 6:19). God’s faithfulness, more consistent than the rising sun, is a foundation that will never be shaken. One day, the sun will not rise. The stars will fall from the sky. Even then, God’s faithfulness will shine bright. Jesus, our Savior, will appear on that day of utter chaos. Everything that is wrong with this world will be made right. The followers of Jesus Christ will live forever on this earth in perfection. That truth is the foundation that will weather any earthquake that plows through our life.
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Peter SamplePastor of Calvary Bible Church, Neligh, NE. Missionary with RHMA. Husband to Maggie. Father to Grace, David, and Daniel. Saved by Jesus Christ Archives
April 2023
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